Yes, your MIND can and does
affect your BODY.

And - the ONLY hand strengthening exercises program for MUSICIANS which uses this principle is - "THE ORIGINAL" COWLING SYSTEM ©

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The COWLING SYSTEM of hand strength exercises uses this proven principle, which has been known for a VERY long time:

That principle is: Your MENTAL concentration and attitude can DEFINITELY, POSITIVELY influence your PHYSICAL BODY'S response to exercise - a proven fact.

Here is Mr. E. J. Pickles, the author of "The Original" Cowling System, to explain this in greater detail:


"When thought is directed to the movement of any muscle, the development of that muscle is accentuated in consequence.

"If a man determines to develop, for instance, a biceps muscle and simply fulfills the exercises prescribed by working that muscle according to directions given, his mind being on other things, the muscle does not develop so rapidly as if he concentrated his attention on that muscle.

"There can be no doubt about this fact because it has been subjected to careful experiment, and the difference between merely mechanical movement, and movement with thought concentration, is all in favor of the latter [...]

"This principle applied to the exercise of the system that you are learning is of the utmost importance. When practicing prescribed exercises, concentrate your mind upon the operation.

"You will not only develop strength and flexibility of the member more rapidly, but the after-effects will be more certain."


The above principle is essential, it DOES truly work, and it's of such importance to the COWLING SYSTEM that it is written into each of the Cowling System of Hand Strengthening Exercise's instructions.

Well, what KIND of concentration? Here's an example:

Let's say you were trying to thread a needle, a normal CONSCIOUS activity. If you don't want to spend all day threading a needle, you LOOK at the thread and the needle and pay attention to what you are doing so as to get the thread into and through that eye of that needle.

There is no need or use for anything else mentally associated with "threading a needle", except THREADING THE NEEDLE itself!

THIS is the kind of concentration and attention we are using when we do The Cowling System.

Therefore The Cowling System's hand strengthening exercises are best done in a place where there are no distractions or interruptions - Where you can put your mind completely on what you are doing. Then they produce full and rapid effect.

Let's read another testimonial:

"I am glad to 'testify' that after taking your course of lessons, my pianoforte playing has improved [...]

"I can attack difficult pieces and play them in a way I never dreamed of. They are invaluable, and worth a great deal more that the fee charged"

~ From "The Violinist" magazine, December, 1924!

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Here's more information on The Cowling System's hand strengthening exercises:

Read about the basics of the Cowling System, and in what way playing an instrument is an ATHLETIC activity.

What is the RIGHT type of exercise for the musician's hands? The WRONG type could be damaging. Find out more.

At what point does technique and the instrument "disappear"?  The Cowling System can help get you to that point.

And the accolades continue: David Grisman [above] uses "The Original" Cowling System:


Strengthening Exercises for Musicians -

DOWNLOAD "THE ORIGINAL COWLING SYSTEM©" -- PDF "E-BOOK" - 70 pages [$22.50 via PAYPAL secure]


And still more [actual and unsolicited] rave reviews for "The Original" Cowling System:



"The Cowling System © is a set of 12 exercises designed to increase the flexibility and strength of the hand, wrist, and fingers.

"I bought the course in 1978 and have found them to be invaluable.

"I've kept them all these years and still use them to warm up with before playing."

~ Richard Barton posted on VIOLINIST.COM



?"My fingers actually DO what my brain tells them to do, WITHOUT getting confused."

~ Anthony Jerome Smith, 35-year veteran bass player.



"In 1976, my teacher gave me his copy of all the exercises, whereupon I made xeroxed pages to put in a binder.

"My teacher was amazed at my progress that in a year I could play, for example, the prelude #17 of Chopin!

~ "RPN58" (from a pianists' discussion board in England, 2006)



"I was introduced to the Cowling System © in the 1980's by a violinist in his seventies, who had amazing dexterity on his instrument for HIS age.

"Through the use of the COWLING SYSTEM ©, I went from "amateur" to an "A" level in music in a very short number of years.

"I have been using the exercises continuously since my friend gave them to me and believe me - THEY WORK."

~ Don Wills Guitarist, Great Britain



"I must say I am highly delighted with the way my fingering has improved since I commenced your hand strengthening exercises.

"Recently, I became very depressed about my playing and almost decided to give it up, but now I feel it's a pleasure, thanks to the Cowling System. ©"

~ "THE VIOLINIST" Magazine, December, 1924

I'd love to see YOUR testimonial on this list! If you really do "THE ORIGINAL" COWLING SYSTEM © of Hand Strengthening Exercises", you CAN master and truly enjoy your music!


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